
Q. Can I disinfect or clean disposable gloves and reuse them?

And, should I change gloves between patients/residents?

A. No. The CDC, FDA, and WHO note that gloves should not be reused.

The CDC and WHO recommend changing gloves and other PPE between patients/residents.

AMDA (The Society for Post-Acute and Long Term Care Medicine) has extensive advice on shortages of masks, gloves, and other PPE on pp. 28-31 of this document. CDC’s Interim Infection Prevention and Control guidelines as well as Preparing for COVID-19 in Nursing Homes both cover PPE including gloves.

See also: After work precautionsDonning & doffing (includes cleaning & reusing)MasksProcuring PPE

This page updated 11/12/20

Information is changing rapidly as the COVID-19 outbreak evolves. Please take the links on these pages, especially the NH DHHS, which coordinates the COVID-19 response in our state, and other public health resources such as your local public health department, the CDC and WHO to find the latest guidance and recommendations.

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